Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Over the Rainbow

Is it the end of a perfect day?  When in the midst of rain and shadows, rainbows appear in the sky over this river....

Is it the universe, smiling on a good day for the human race as we celebrate an American court's declaration that ALL are created equal?  Or is it simply a step- as we note the day before another ruling that affirms discrimination.  We are not out of the woods- equality remains on life support- condition improving, critical but stable condition.

On the homefront, too, there is suddenly a parting of dark clouds.  I read a chapter from The Wizard of Oz to my daughters, our nightly bedtime ritual these days-- remembering those nights with my sister long ago snuggled beneath the covers when I would read this same book to her.  Oh Somewhere over the Rainbow, Bluebirds fly...

And as I sit with my husband tonight talking-- me, walking my yellow brick road toward courage, and he, beside me in search of his heart-- and all of us, our children, in search of a home-- there are still dark woods to walk through, but I can see a rainbow in our sky.

This is hope, and more.... Transformation, he tells me, explaining how he has changed the angle of his summer service.

A change of heart.

There is still so much work to be done... but I too am an idealist, and believe that change is possible, and with cryptic lines, lean body, heart, and mind with the universe toward justice.

For a moment the clouds have lifted, a rainbow appears in the sky, and all shall be well, and I shall believe.

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